Cyber Security

Create a BadUSB Rubber Ducky using Arduino

Rubber Ducky is the most popular tool to inject keystrokes on a victim’s computer at lightning speed. Masked as a regular USB device, Rubber Ducky acts like a keyboard (Human Interface Device) and automates key presses. It executes command upon plugging in the USB device. It is very effective because,… Read More!

3731 Views 2 comments August 21st, 2019 by

Social Media Phishing with Captive Portal using NodeMcu

Phishing is a criminal act of deceiving other people into sharing their sensitive information like credit card numbers or account credentials. Usually, it is carried out by sending victims fake URLs which imitate a legitimate website such as social media accounts, bank login pages, and more. In this demonstration, we… Read More!

1636 Views 3 comments July 21st, 2019 by

Scan WordPress site Vulnerabilities using WPScan

WPScan is a tool we can use to scan the WordPress websites for security flaws. It is free for non-commercial use. It is important to scan your WordPress website for vulnerabilities because we do not want to lose countless hours of work writing blog posts. In this tutorial, we only… Read More!

1493 Views No comments yet July 14th, 2019 by

Find target Internet activity across Social Networks using Sherlock

When gathering our target internet activity on the internet, Sherlock is a great tool we can easily use to collect opensource intelligence (data that are produced from publicly available information). The downside of open-source intelligence, whilst can be used by security professionals, so does threat actors. With a single clue,… Read More!

1393 Views 2 comments July 13th, 2019 by

Install Kali Linux on Raspberry Pi and Start Ethical Hacking

In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Kali Linux on our Raspberry Pi. I will be using Raspberry Pi 3 B+.

1413 Views No comments yet May 5th, 2019 by